.___ ____ ___.____    .___     _____                       
|   |    |   \    |   |   |   /  _  \ ______ ______  ______
|   |    |   /    |   |   |  /  /_\  \\____ \\____ \/  ___/
|   |    |  /|    |___|   | /    |    \  |_> >  |_> >___ \ 
|___|______/ |_______ \___| \____|__  /   __/|   __/____  >
                     \/             \/|__|   |__|       \/ 



If you have a CD-ROM drive in your machine, you can make the CD-ROM that is
presently inserted available by typing 'mount /cdrom' as root.  The CD-ROM
will be available under /cdrom/.  Remember to do 'umount /cdrom' before
removing the CD-ROM (it will usually not be possible to remove the CD-ROM
without doing this.)

Note: This tip may not work in all configurations.